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Susana Munch Miranda (Lissabon): The Dutch Merchant Community in Eighteenth-century Lisbon: Politics, Trade and Business

Vortrag im Rahmen des Oberseminars Frühe Neuzeit


  lissabonOvershadowed by British dominance on Portugal’s foreign and colonial trade, the participation of Dutch merchants in the Portuguese commercial system in the eighteenth century has attracted little attention. Yet, against the backdrop of the Brazilian gold mining cycle and while Lisbon was developing into a leading port city, pushed by a thriving colonial market that paid in gold, the Dutch merchant community in the Portuguese capital showed signs of renewed vitality. This paper looks into Dutch business in Lisbon and examines their ability to exploit asymmetries between distinct commercial systems and to reap rents from the Portuguese colonial trade.


  • Zeit: 16-18 Uhr c.t.
  • Ort: Historicum, Raum K 001